Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Diary Entry, 4/19/2011

So, I've decided to start a little diary type thing on my blog. I've never really been one to keep a diary, but I think I might give it a shot :)
I'm gonna call it my "Toy Box", following the theme of this blog. (If you were wondering why I call this "Little Green Toy Box", it is because it is based on the first poem I posted, called "Toy Box." Alos, toy boxes represent our childhood, and the things we store in them as we go through life. This blog is my toy box. :) So, enjoy this diary type thing. Leave me your thoughts, your comments...your concerns! Thanks!

Dear Toy Box,
Well, today was just like any other twisted day in my life, however, dull moments are always a rare event, so normalcy is always exciting, understand.
I woke up this morning to a variety of arguably irritating texts from my best friend Lexie's boyfriend, Topher (Who is my good friend, but also my own personal bully). I groan, because it's six o' clock in the freaking morning, and flit through the messages. A text from Topher is never a good sign...
Exhibit A: Don't be stupid, it's illegal for spotted dandelions to be immune to vaporization....
Exhibit B:You're such an oaf, just admit that the spotted dandelion's toenails have vaporized...
Exhibit C: i kidnapped your father! How's that make you feel?!

There are the normal happy wake up texts from Rachel, saying things like "You're so stupid!" or "I never liked you!"
Ah...what kind friends I have!


I get to school about 45 minutes early, and am sitting in the cafeteria reading the new Jodi Picoult novel, Sing You Home. It's good, but Zoe really irritates me. She and her husband are both totally infertile, right? So WHY does she have the notion she's gonna get pregnant any day?!?
I'm complaining to myself about the stupidity of the characters, when Olivia walks in, a vision of...well, pink. What else would Olivia be wearing?
She's singing "Cosmic Love" by Florence and the Machine, while complaining, simultaneously, about her sister.
"...And Emily was like 'OLIVIA!' and I was like "EMILY YOU'RE UGLY'...." She keeps talking, her face serious and solemn with the gravity of her sister's ignorance.
I've learned to zone her out. Truthfully, I couldn't care less about what she's saying...which sounds horrible. However, she's Olivia...and...
I continue reading, groaning to myself, once more, about the agonizing stupidity of Zoe Baxter, when I'm smacked on the head. Hard.
I turn around, and....oh, golly gee, how nice...it's my personal bully, Topher, grinning mischeviously, making my worried...
"Lexie's sick." He says, and my stomach turns. As his girlfriend, it's Lexie's job to make sure Topher's under control, and not bullying me too much. When Lex isn't here...Topher is a bit uncontrollable.
"Oh God..." I mutter.


At my locker, I'm greeted by the kind words of Rachel.
She stops what she's doing, opens her mouth wide, turns my way, tilts her foot, and puts her hands on her hips. "THIS IS WHY WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!" She yells.
I join her, stancing. "I'M THE ONLY REASON YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING!" I yell back. Rachel and I...we're very close, really. However, we hate eachother. You may notice that kind words between the two of us are a bit rare, even though we're, like, best friends.
We continue to scream at eachother, and eventually Topher proceeds to break into my locker and break some stuff. This is usually the part where Lexie, my savior, comes along, gently leads him away, and tells him that it's not nice to bully.
But Lexie's sick. The jerk.

In third period American Cultures, we watch some movie about slavery that is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Instead, I open up my Picoult, and continue to complain to myself about how irritating it is, when a seventh grader walks into the room.
"ERIN!" she yells, interrupting class, but no one seems to mind. The whole school's like this, to say the least. Annoying, outspoken....a little on the crooked side...
it's Hayley, my former English teacher's daughter, one of my dad's current students. Being the teacher's kid, as I am, you grow up with other offspring of teachers. Hayley and I are ole pals.
I get up, leaving my book behind, and follow Hayley out of the room. Once we're in the hall, she starts yelling at me about how she didn't know where I was, she was roaming the halls for twenty minutes trying to find me, I'm so ungrateful...
We reach the door to my dad's seventh grade classroom, and as she takes her seat, I go ahead and sit down in my dad's black leather chair, putting my feet on the desk.
My father, the best Geography teacher in the world, is now lying on the floor pretending to be dead, while a student thrusts him in the gut with a NERF sword, shouting victory cries. The rest of the class is screaming and cheering, and I join in. This is much, much better than that lousy excuse for a film they're playing in my own history class, down the hall.
"Father?" I venture, and he looks up at me, lounging at his desk. "Oh...look up that website, I couldn't find it!" he says.
my dad gets up off the floor, straightening his tie, and beating his seventh grade enemy with his own NERF sword. When he finishes, he bows, and the class cheers "LONG LIVE MR. SHERRY!"
I find him the website he was looking for, and then hang out in his class room for a while, not really feelign the need to go back to Jodi Picoult and the excitements of the underground railroad.

During fourth period, my communications teacher starts freaking out about society, so instead of taking my spelling test, I join her. We rant for the entire class, and she doesn't seem to mind that I've blown off her test. Life's good....


At lunch, Topher is as much a bully as ever. I take my seat, methodically rotating our table to the other side, so that Kayla and Ryan have to deal with the crumbs left over from the last lunch period, and not me.
Kayla and Olivia sit next to me, which is weird, since usually I sit next to Lex and Topher. Cooner, a poor fellow no one really likes, but who sits with us just because we don't want him sitting alone, does some questionable things and then gives me his fruit snacks, which are shaped like Phineas and Ferb. I think Cooner has a thing for me, which is a bit amusing. See, a few months ago, Lexie and Topher and I convinced him that I was born with all these rare diseases and illness. For example: I have no feeling in my face whatsoever, I can't see the color white, I can't say the letter W....etc.
He totally bought it, and went to all lengths to make sure I was okay. He said things like "Oh, it's good you're so strong and smart when so much is wrong with you!" and "Well, you're really nice, so you'll still get a good job!"
Even now, when he knows it was all a joke, he gifts me his fruit snacks everyday at lunch. How nice.
I bite the head off of Ferb as Topher strolls along. He lifts up a chair, and places it on the table right in front of me. I don't question this, I just continue to eat my fruit snacks.
Finally, he takes the chair down, and squeezes it in between Kayla and Ryan. He takes Kayla's water bottle, and dumps it's contents into Ryan's pudding cup. No one really does anything to stop him, for it's routine by now.
In the lunch line, I make up a secret handshake with Joey. Joey's awesome, another kid with no other circle of friends to share a table with, and so was welcomed to ours with open arms. Everyone in our grade is best friends, and we all get along, so random outcasts at our table is nothing out of the ordinary. They make everything more fun.
I order my ravioli, and Ryan starts telling me that I'm short and have no friends. I tell him he's spilt his dignity, and watch as he scrambles to clean it up.
Lunch is always the best part of the day. Topher vandalizes everyone's food, so we all walk away hungry. Kayla says something awesome in a BRILLIANT jersey drawl. Coon and Joey do some interpretive dancing for Mrs. Houk, and Olivia complains about God knows what.

at the end of the day, I take a magnet from Kayla's locker on my way to Chorus.
Topher is behind me, punching me with every step, and it hurts.
"Dude, no."
right step.
left step.
"I'm gonna tell Lexie!"
right step.
left step. I pass the principal.
Principal just chuckles and moves on with his day. lovely.
right step.
"Topher, I hate you."
and so on.

As we pass some lockers, I place Kayla's magnet on one of them, and continue walking. She'll probably never find it.

We enter the chorus room, and instead of telling Topher to stop beating me up, Mrs. Duncan joins right in.
Have you ever seen a teacher beat a student up? I have.
She kicks my shins, pushes me over, and then pulls my hair. All the while, topher is still punching me, and eventually she helps me up, only to push me back down again.
Ah yes...the anti bullying program around here ROCKS!

The day continued like this, absolutely normal chaos. I'm yelled at by Rachel a few more times before dismissal about dignity, groove, smork....and I yell right back. We're very kind to eachother.
As you can see, my life is full of quirks and twists very unlike that of most teenage girls. My friends aren't spray tanned and gossipy, my lunch table isn't the least bit seclusive. I love my life, and everyone in it, even when my friends believe that the best form of affection is in the form of bullying, and my best friend's boyfriend thinks it's okay to terrorize me to no end...
I make a mental note to call Lex later.
You know, to tell her how stupid she is, and to hope she never gets better.
Because I love her that much.

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