Monday, May 30, 2011

Revised: Desiderare Domus

For the past year and a half, "Desiderare Domus" (Latin for "Desired Home) has been the working title for my novel in progress. (Read preface and excerpts in blog.)
Recently, however, I've been rethinking the whole concept of the story. Originally, the tale was told my a personified form of "Desire", and DesDom was a place in our hearts we created to satisfy our unreachable dreams.
Then, in a closer look, I realized this whole idea of the concrete DesDom, was really just a more material form of a dream, so I spun with that.
Now, instead of desire, the tale is told by the equivalent of the sand man, or the creator of dreams. (Haven't really decided this yet...)
And instead of desire, the story is about dreams, and healing through them. So instead of Desiderare Domus, we have somehting along the lines of Somnium, or, insanity. Basically, insomnia.
So, I've revised the preface to fit these changes, and I'd like to know what you all think. Should I stick with desires, or head more towards dreams?

Note: Not many changes were made, except I've recreated the voice to fit the persona of dreams instead of ruthless desires, and changed the "desire" message to "dream."

Our Narrator and Our Desires

I take a waning breath before beginning the tale I’ve been telling for eternity.
I exhale.
I dig into you, and find that you are waiting.
Always waiting. Always expecting.
Never calm. Never still.
But you’re only human, and I cannot blame you.
I speak to you for not the first time, for you’ve all spoken to me at some point in your lives. In fact, you speak to me every day, whether you hear yourself or not.
I hear you.
I ask a question, but waver that you may take your time with the answer. I’ve discovered that humans tend to rush in the matter of time, again, whether they see it or not.
Maybe because they haven't learned yet that time is of the essence, or because, after all, time has never truly been on their side.
Time is on my side. It always will be.
I am forever.
My question, my ever-significant request, is that you never forget the story I am preparing to tell you. This story is long, this story is troubling, and it speaks to each and every one of you.
You just might not hear it.
And if you do, it’s because I’m whispering it into your ears.
It’s because I want you to hear it.
I need you to cherish it.
And I am allowed to need things. Just like you. My job is to help you find your path in this spinning world, to force your eyes to see straight when you grow dizzy. To show you life, in things called dreams.
I have dreams, too, though.
I fulfill yours, sometimes...
It amazes me, how this favor is a one way train. How I give, and I give....and yes, listeners, I love every second of it. I love to dream, and every night, I dream with you. We dream together, of a place far away, yet so close, where everything is perfect, at last.
It's hard to find that place,though, so you need to close your eyes, and watch me, so closely, and together we'll find the moral of this story called life.

So for a moment, I’m going to take your hand.
Don’t be alarmed, I’ve done that before.
You're all just too distracted to feel it.

For a split second, I will reach into your soul.
I've done that, too, countless times. I live there, you see.
And there, I’m going to give to you a story.
My story.
Their story…
Your story.

Listen to it, hold it, and remember it. If there is anyone, anything besides God himself in this universe that is ever close to your heart anymore than you are, it’s me. I know perfectly well that there is so very much you want from me, so much you desire and are doubting exists.
It does exist. It all does.
And I want nothing more than to give it to you.
You see, I give my gifts to all who seek them.
I give to you, and I ask nothing in return.
I fulfill every dream you’ve ever hatched, and receive nary a reward.
But this time....this time will be different. I'm gonna ask something of you, my listeners, this time.
It's my turn.
I ask one thing: Just listen to me.
Yes, listen. Open your hearts and listen to my story. After all, you’re the star. You see, you’re going to find yourself within this tale. You’re going to see a part of your heart, your soul, waiting for you.
When you see that piece, you will have a choice:
Either pick it up, or leave it behind.
Because if you’re one of the ones who plan to leave it behind, you won’t ever have the chance to pick it up again.
Because you don’t recognize it.
Because you don’t even know yourself.

But that’s why I’m here, so I can’t complain. If it weren’t for you broken souls who have lost yourselves in the middle of the road, what would I be? Where would I be? What would become of me?
Of dreams?

I have questions, too.
You’re not the only ones.

So close your eyes now, my listeners, and envision yourself away from here. Picture a place built of whatever you wish, whatever you desire in the hidden deeps of your soul. This can’t be too difficult; we’ve all been here countless times before.
In our dreams.
You have designed this place, for none other than yourself. With my assistance, of course. Without me, your dreams would be unreachable.
Life, child, is not yours to choose.
But it is yours to fix, and yours to redeem.
And you’re the only one who can do that.
Here, in this place you’ve been dreaming of, you are free to do precisely that. You are free to fill the blank canvas of your past, present, and future with anything you could ever dream of.
And the sky stands back, not daring to be your limit.

You will walk these streets, and you will meet other souls who are here with you, though they’re not seeing exactly what you’re seeing. They’re seeing they’re own haven.
And alongside them, you’re going to see me. Though unlike on earth, I’m not solid.
I am translucent and wasting.
But I do not mourn. That’s what I’ve been waiting for.
When I’m gone, I’ll know that I’ve completed my task correctly. I’ll know your desires have been entirely fulfilled.
I've lived so long, understand. Longer than you could ever imagine. I've been solid, heavy and burdened, forevermore. My only dream, you see, is to waste away, just a little.
When I’m gone, I’ll know that I’ve completed my task correctly. I’ll know your desires have been entirely fulfilled.

This is a dream, listeners.
It is home, hope, fantasy, impossibilities.
It's everything we can't find in reality, but that's ours in sleep.
It's shelter, and it's your salvation.
You are always welcome here, remember.
And this land is for anyone who’s ever had a dream.
A wish.
A prayer.

So open your eyes, and be welcome.
Go build your home.
Go dream a little dream.

I’ll be right here, forever.

And I’ll be waiting.

I’ll be waning.


  1. I think its fine either way. I would'ver posted this comment before, but for some reason, it wouldn't let me comment on here.

  2. :O
    Erin, this version is even better than the already inhumanly good original version. I mean, something about the dream... person's narration sort of clicks better than Desire's.
    I've always loved this, and I think it's even better now. I love the poetic feel to it, and you're writing is absolutely amazing, as always. :)

  3. Stella is right.
    This is probably true that you CAN'T write something bad!!! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TOO!!!!!
