Monday, May 30, 2011

Something From Nothing

One of my favorites :)
An abstract poem about hope from depression.

All my life, I've watched
with glazed eyes, as the great Earth spins.
I've watched the clouds,
the stars,
the moon.
I've watched fickle time, tickin' by...
tick tock, tick tock.
Tick tock.
I've been counting each passing number.
So that I might see, and remember.
I've watched the sparks of first love die,
I've watched
I've listened
to the colors in their eyes.
To the songs in their hearts.
I've seen children, barefoot children,
running so fast
so fast
and not understanding why...why..
why they cannot
slow down
slow down
slow down, please.
Let me catch up.
All my life, I've watched.
With glazed eyes, I've seen everything.
But yet, I'm seeing nothing.
Nothing at all.
There came a time...
This time, I swear,
glazed eyes of mine, they finally sprung wide.
I saw in the face, of a small child,
that there is
such a thing
as something out of
He sat, swinging back,
back and forth,
The creaking of the swing set, I heard it.
So loud, so loud.
And so, I watched him
with glazed eyes
as the great Earth spun him
round and
And in his face
in his swimming eyes
I think, I remember,
that I saw there, a lion
his roar
so loud, so loud.
And the boy heard it.
A nightmare inside of him.
And it scared him.
It scared him.
In his eyes,
I heard the horrid hiss,
of a cobra, as it pounces
on its pathetic prey.
It took this boy by the neck
by the neck
and told him,
whispered inside of him,
all of the forbidden follies, nature hides.
And what the boy heard...
it scared him.
It scared him.
I watched with glazed eyes
as the curtains began to open, within him.
I saw the crowd, as they jeered
and laughed at him.
Painted faces.
Broken mirrors.
It scared him. So much.
It scared him.
But, when you live a life,
where all you do is watch,
you learn that there is
such a thing
as something out of
Because, while the great Earth spun
so fast
so fast
so fast...
Somehow, God's child did not
grow dizzy.
He closed his eyes
He lifted his feet
and he swung
on that creaking swing
strung 'round that creaking tree.
In the cracks of his tear stained face,
the lion grew tame.
The snake,
grew lame.
And the crowd...
Well, honestly,
It was never more,
than a game.
Because all of us
atop a browning land
dizzy, as the great Earth spins,
see nothing but hope
in his eyes.
From the terrors of the jungle,
to the roaring of a crowd,
there comes a time,
When something must, then,
come from nothing.
And from watching, my whole life,
I have seen that the best of God's gifts,
The hope,
And strength,
and faith,
Can only be found,
in the weakest of our fickle
tickin' minutes.
So, take my hand.
Take a seat in the crowd.
And let's watch.
Let's watch, please,
as something

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